Our Blog

Breaking Free from Lazy Patterns

I never thought of myself as lazy. My mind has always been high-functioning; always finding the next…


Boy, it has been a busy few weeks with school, family commitments and your life purpose. When…

Go with the Flow

Happy New Year to All,

I've been hibernating a bit. The beginning of this year was different…

Uplift Your Thoughts

"Focus your attention on the many blessings that surround you. By doing so, you'll let go of…

Karmic Board Clearing

Happy Winter Solstice ❄️ today is a special night. 

Light the candles, clear the energy.

"Rewrite your…

Re-Alignment - Feel the Ebb and Flow of…

I’m not sure how everyone is feeling right now. I have been very disconnected with myself the…


The message this week has been collectively the same vibration. Boundaries, taking it easy, and now surrendering.…

Exercise Boundaries

Goddess Message for Today: Boundaries!

"Love yourself enough to say no to others' demands on your time…

Deer Totem Message

I am guided to talk about Deer Totem message.  The deer is continuously appearing to me in the…

Inner Goddess

"Awaken the goddess witihn you through dance, self-care, and appreciating your divinity." 

No matter your gender identification,…


My thoughts for today are about Growth.

Now growth can be in so many ways, physical growth,…

The Magic of Affirmations

In this day and age we have all heard about the power of affirmations.  I personally learned…